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PURPOSE IN LIFE/ MISSION STATEMENT Step 2: What are your key talents, abilities, skills, and strengt

Step 2: What are your key talents, abilities, skills, and strengths? By taking a quick inventory of your aptitudes and past successes, you can probably come up with a list that is perfectly adequate for this step. Remember, we are our own severest critics. Why, for a change, shouldn’t we focus on the positives only? The ingredients of both ‘darkness’ and ‘light’ are equally present in all of us, and then it is up to each individual to decide what will be brought forth – the virtues or the malevolence. Nobody’s perfect, but when you focus on your bright side, there is no much room for the ‘darkness’.

Explanation to Step 2: You can also ask people to help you establish your strongest points. I did this myself, and this is what my friends and loved ones came up with: compassion, intuition, integrity, determination, ability to raise spirits and increase morale, courageous, influential, motivational, teacher, intelligent and can apply, energetic, proactive, excellent communicator, positive- minded, funny.

Margaret’s description of me: “Kasia has presence, style, is unique (does not follow the crowd), has elegance, speaks eloquently, and stands out. Kasia has courage and compassion with inner determination. Once she sets her goal, she will pull out all stops to achieve it. She is precise and will always follow the rules, works hard, and sets high standards. Can be formidable when necessary and is not put off by any kind of pressure when it is not appropriate. She always sticks to her guns. Kasia’s inner determination and compassion also bring out empathy. She is quick to understand another person’s feelings, particularly if they are anxious about something, and she will do all she can to help. She has natural instincts and demonstrates her empathy from her heart. If Kasia helps, it is always genuine. In essence, Kasia is a forthright and determined person and aims to lead by example. Her compassion and empathy make her loyal. Always practical and uses her own instincts re other people’s emotions and pain.”

Ambia’s description of me: “Your no s**t, no b**s**t approach is highly commendable. Great respect for your focus in adhering to your moral and ethical principles as it’s a portrayal of the soundness of your character which, needless to say, is beyond skin deep. I love your transparency in life in general and I truly believe it is one of your main strengths, as it complements your great integrity. The ability to make one genuinely smile is a rare ability... and you do that effortlessly with your kind nature and cheerful demeanour. I love your ability to truly listen and not just hear. It makes others feel valued and important. Making others feel that isn’t a reflection of them but is a reflection of you and your giving nature. Sometimes the best thing you can give someone is an open mind and heart and a listening ear. Multiple talents, excellent communicator, proactive approach, energetic.”

Eamonn, another bank colleague, once wrote me: “Kasia, you have a sort of personality which touches people’s lives and makes them better for having known you. All the best.”

So many people support my actions. Some don’t, and I am fine with that, at last. “He who pleased everybody died before he was born.” So you, dear friend, get over the fear of being judged, the sooner the better.

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